USIMP Interface Self-Assessment and Current Situation Analysis Tools

Two different tools, “USIMP Interface Self-Assessment Tool” and “Current Situation Analysis Tool”, are developed to evaluate competences of Interface institutions, primarily TTOs, and to help them in determining deficiency for capacity development studies. 

These tools are being developed for being publicly available as Innovation Scorecard. Innovation Scorecard is a self-assessment which firms can use through interfaces as TTO. Any firm completingthe survey consisting of 121 questions may access its self-assessment results and may request a report interpreting the results from the USIMP. Moreover, the firms may get support from TTOs for improving the aspects determined as open for improvement with data they obtain as a result of the HR survey and the report. USIMP is helping the firms by Innovation Scorecard it has developed in determining “Size and Priority Order of Services” TTOs shall give.